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Home Our services Replacement canvas

Replace your boat canvas
Navigate more responsibly, act for the future

I restore, I renew, I maintain

A canvas that stands the test of time

Your boat protections (Biminitop, Summertop, Sprayhood, Cockpit enclosure, sun awning, …) are essential elements for your navigation, both for your safety, your comfort and your boat’s style. It dresses your cockpit elegantly and allows you to extend your living space on board. It is the ideal shelter from spring evenings and beautiful summer days.

But after several years of weathering, the
sun rays, sea spray, some fibres lose their colours, the windows tarnish. Weather and wind are also responsible for tears and mould. And even if you have carefully maintained your canvas, nevertheless it can remain stained and lose its shine as time goes by. By renewing your outdoor equipment, you modernise your boats looks whilst making your navigation safer, as well as acting more responsibly.

Repairing, re-canvasing your exterior protections: an ecological act and a definite economic advantage.

How to know if you need to renew the canvas of your Outdoor equipment?

Slacked tension, components and assemblies deteriorating at high speed… You lack comfort and loose protection;

Your transparent panels becomes opaque, tarnished… You lack visibility, thereby hindering your safety;

Your canvas is tarnished by time… Your boat loses its looks;

You have just acquired your second-hand boat and want to customise your cockpit… Change your canvas to outfit your living spaces to your style.

Let’s restore more, discard less,
without neglecting the fundamentals:
your safety and comfort on board!

Our society has been pushing us for many years to discard and replace items once they’ve reached their end of life. This practice has directly contributed to the depletion of some of our natural reserves of raw materials, this also affects the manufacture of exterior boat protection. At the time of the all-disposable, restoring/repairing our equipment to keep it as long as possible is essential, not to mention its major advantage from an economic and technical point of view.


More comfort

and on board safety


-40% to -50%

compared to a new purchase*

*Excluding removal and installation.


Responsible consumption,

less impact

And carry out a good deed for our oceans !

For any purchase of a canvas renewal, NV undertakes to donate 1% to the L’Odyssée Bleue association.

Founder of the Blue Odyssey, Stéphane Mifsud has been increasing awareness and protection of the oceans since 2015 with the motto “Understand to protect better”. Find out more.

Canvas renewal,
how does it work ?

I validate that it is an

original NV equipment

with my dealer by identifying
our reference label

I choose the colour

of my canvas

among a wide range of NV colours

My dealer validates

my NV model

and ensures that the product can be manufactured

I place the order

and I get in touch with my NV dealer
for the installation

Maintain, repair,

The proper reflexes for more durability

1. Regular cleaning: the key to a healthy canvas

Regular exposure to weather, pollution and various contaminants can alter the appearance and functionality of your canvas. Regular cleaning and a good winterisation of the canvases in your cockpits is essential. To find out how to do this effectively, consult our guide on how to maintain your NV canvas?

2. Repair: give a second life to your canvas

Even with the best care, tears or holes can appear over time. Fortunately, you don’t always need to replace the entire canvas. Consult your NV dealer, they will guide you to the most advantageous and responsible choice.

3. Optimal tension: the secret of a well-stretched canvas

It is crucial to stretch your canvas properly well to avoid unsightly creases and prevent premature wear. A canvas that is poorly stretched under navigation deteriorates 3 times faster. Seek advice from our NV dealers.


The choice of a brand committed to the future.

At a time when global warming is accelerating, demand for energy is increasing and the world is already experiencing resource shortages, there is an urgent need to produce better and consume sustainably. Driven by the strong conviction of having a role to play at the heart of sustainability and our responsibility for tomorrow, NVequipment is committed to a global approach to responsible production.

This commitment is reflected in the implementation of concrete actions to improve each stage of the life cycle of our products: from their design to production to their repairability. From the study to the manufacture of eco-responsible products to the second life of waste, NV wants to disrupt the lines in the coming years, in close collaboration with its teams, suppliers and customers.

“Decarbonisation plan” projects

+ Product life cycle analysis and eco-designed nautical fabrics study
+ Valuation of tissue waste and reduction of our losses
+ Facilitate carbon-free mobility
+ Energy reduction
+ Sponsorship “Cleaning the oceans” with the L’Odyssée Bleue association, on the canvas renewal offer.
+ And many more to come…