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Home Inspiring you Retailers Changing our ERP: an ambitious but successful project
Bateau équipé avec NV Equipment

Changing our ERP: an ambitious but successful project

Changing our ERP:

an ambitious but successful project

What was at stake with this investment? Developing our ERP platform to make it more efficient and easier to use for our retailers: access to products and online ordering; but also for our end customers: more detailed product descriptions.
This migration was a huge technical project carried out by a special team in a short time (February/June 2022):

  • The NVequipment teams, led by Freddy Préaud with key users and business managers, 
  • MAZARS teams, led by Heyfa Limam in project management methodology to meet the schedule and objectives 
  • The ABSYS CYBORG teams, our development partner, to conduct the feasibility of solutions in SAGE X3 flows in coordination with the Mazars teams and the business teams. 

The goal was to migrate our ERP version 6 to the upgrades required in version 12 on all modules, and to use the opportunity of this project to improve certain functionalities.

Project scoping 

The migration took place over a short period of time, i.e. 8 and a half months: 

  • October 2021: scoping phase (15 days)
  • November-December 2021: functional design (2 months)
  • January-March 2022: Completion (3 months)
  • April-June: Receipt/ Training and switchover on June 13 (3 months)

Everyone got involved, enabling us to respect the deadlines we had set. The old bugs on the SAGE X3 version have mostly been ironed out with the new version. More specific issues, requiring other resources and investment, were carefully identified and will be the subject of a new schedule after the migration.

Switching to SAGE X3, a strategic issue.

As part of NVequipment’s 2022 strategy, SAGE X3 responds in many ways to the challenges of the future:

  • Accountability vs. responsiveness 
  • NV Service efficiency
  • Performance indicators
  • Time and time measurement
  • Agility with customers

This SAGE X3 platform meets NVequipment’s needs by covering all our processes: Sales, purchasing, inventory, production, finance. This software is perfectly suited to small and medium-sized businesses as it is quick to implement, easy for users to learn, and can be used independently for operational maintenance and upgrades.

Our desire: to further continuous improvement and save time

NVequipment is indeed committed to a strong continuous and virtuous improvement process, driven by digital. In 2022, more than 500 k€ will be invested in digitalization and digitalization at NV. In this way, NV is also affirming its industrial model of the future.

In conclusion, the success of this major project is the result of 3 key factors in terms of people, resources and organization:

  • The quality of the internal piloting
  • The involvement of the teams concerned by SAGE X3 
  • The mastery of projects led by MAZARS: “a know-how in methodology that should be applied and transferred to all our projects at NV. Pascal Cardi – Director

We would to thank all the NV teams for their motivation and involvement, and especially our partners MAZARS and ABSYS CIBORG who accompanied us and helped us to grow on this ambitous project.